I know, I know - who is this "Abi" that thinks that she can just post to this blog without actually attending club meetings? Who does she think she is anyway?
I don't really have an answer for that... other than I get up at 4:30am. And I have to get a lesson ready before I can go to sleep at night. My reading time is a tad bit limited and usually filled with lesson manuals, institute student manuals and other materials that require full concentration and heavy thinking. I sleep really well.
Anyway, there's a story out there that I absolutely love. I hesitate to recommend it here because there are a few swear words in it (totally NOT needed - but are they ever?). It's a feel-good, smiley-tears, warm-fuzzy of a book that ends the way that it should.
And get this - there's a woman in it named Phaedra. She's nothing quite like our Phaedra though. No other Phaedra could match our Phaedra!
Barnes and Noble has a preview of the first few pages that you can check out before picking up the book from the library or a friend's house if you're interested in reading more.
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