Saturday, August 30, 2008

Midnight Sun Sadness

It's too sad to blog about.

Check out the awfulness that has occurred in Stephenie Meyer Twilight World.

Let us mourn the presumed death of the complete Twilight Edward account...


Anonymous said...

:-(((((( R.I.P.

Anonymous said...

Oh good! It's not like the books were great. The first one maybe, but the rest were terrible and that's putting it nicely!

The McPherson Clan--- said...

Who is this "anonymous" and how did they get onto our blog??!!

Anonymous said...

I thought "anonynous' post" must have been a "ha ha" funny - as this is such a "WE LOVE EDWARD" group of gals!!! Oh well, their loss - it's almost time for me to reread Breaking Dawn because I LOVE IT!!!

Anonymous said...

Ok........ I am in deep utter depression and read Midnight Sun in a few hours... I too must wear black and mourn with you all! I am not an offical member but I am related to a member. Jules! My deepest sympathy and may we all lean on each other in our deepest and darkest hour! I just hope that Stephenie can get over this someday! PURE TRAGEDY!