Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Got any good books?

Okay, so I'm getting ready for our trip this Sunday, and need to take a handful of good reads with me. Has anyone read anything worth reading that I can borrow or recommend?
-Lani, I finished your Breaking Dawn book and brought it to church, but didn't see you. Let me know when I can drop it by.


Abi said...

There's a book called Love Walked In by Marisa De Los Santos that I love! My sister has my copy though...

Vanessa Contessa said...

I have a copy of it.

I also have a few random books here. One called "The Commoner" it's pretty good, a very fast read. You're welcome to both.

Anonymous said...

Hey Sara - I'm back!!! We went camping over the weekend, but I'm home just about everyday :) I hope you enjoyed the book! I do have a copy of The Host, if you haven't already read it by Stephanie Meyers. Have a great weekend.

Sara Walker said...

Hey Lani, read the Host.
Vanessa, I may have to visit your library...

Jen said...

Found this blog through Mormon Mommy Blogs. I just discovered Georgette Heyer. If you go for Regency Romance, she's a winner. Also Brandon Mull stuff is great if you like juvi lit.