Monday, May 12, 2008

Please Tell Me It Gets Better

I started reading New Moon yesterday and I'm so incredibly depressed by it that I'm not sure I can go on!

Someone! Please! Tell me that it gets happier!

If you have it, I'm on page 132. It seems as though it may be picking up a bit, but I've got to know that it's going to get better.

I have this nasty habit of skipping ahead to some random point in a book to give me hope in hopeless situations such as this, but I can't find anything to give me the hope I seek. Hence my asking my book club buddies to help me out.

By the way... have you checked out Stephenie Meyer's "official" website? I'm sure I'm the last one to see this, but she's writing a book that tells the Twilight story from Edward's point of view. Check it out under the "Other Projects" tab.

She's also coming to La Jolla on May 23rd for a discussion and signing for The Host. Tickets are $30 and it appears that there are still some available. I haven't looked into it deeper than the website though, so they could be sold out.


The McPherson Clan--- said...

I feel your pain. I pretty much felt like I wanted to throw up through most of New know there's a third book though, so how bad can it be?? Buck up little camper, it'll all be over soon.

Sara Walker said...

I'm was the same way. I hate werewolves. I read ahead a lot in New Moon too, and I always read the last page of every book I read, so at least I knew that it was going to be okay at the end of the book. Keep reading. Sara

Vanessa Contessa said...

Keep plugging away, it does get better and soon you'll be okay. But seriously folks, am I the only one who LIKES the werewolves? I think they are freakin' awesome! They don't have vampire hotness status I know, but hey...

The McPherson Clan--- said...

Hey hey hey, I didn't say anything about not liking the werewolves, I think they rock! I just wanted to vomit at Edward's absence and Bella's was all just too much for me.

Sara Walker said...

OK, I think that's what our next "poll" should be Vanessa. Werewolves or Vampires -'cause I'd have to think you two are the only Jacob fans. Jacob sucks. The only reason he's even in the books is to add drama. We all know Edward is better than Jacob. The only thing that is good about werewolves is that they are warm not cold, I think I'd have a hard time as cold blooded as I am cuddling with a vampire... Sara

Vanessa Contessa said...

Okay Sara, you and me are TOTALLY in the biggest fight right now.

Jacob Black does not suck. Werewolves do not suck.

They are awesome and tough and fearless and hot blooded and are protectors of US (you know, the humans who usually get EATEN by vampires.) Please remember, that the Cullens are an exception to their kind.

There would be no Bella without Jacob, even Edward knows that. (I don't want to go on anymore because I don't want to spoil things for Abi.)

You can still totally love Edward and still be a Jacob fan. I am living proof.

I'm polling right now...

The McPherson Clan--- said...

I think that anyone in the book club (or anyone who's talked to me in the last year) will tell you that there is not a bigger lover of Edward than me! I am unhealthily obsessed and in love with Edward Cullen!!!

That being said...Jacob rocks! You don't have to like one exclusively (although for me, the choice would be easy...ah Edward). Can't we all just get along?

Abi said...

Holy cat-fight batman!

I don't have an opinion on this yet because I'm still on page 132 which is when she just gets to Jacob's house with the motorcycles she picked up on the side of the road. In my looking-forward I found out that Jacob is, in fact, a warewolf, but I have no experience with them yet. Except that when Bella (and I) wanted to die in the woods, lost in the dark, I suspect that it was a warewolf that she heard sniffing nearby and that it was probably Sam. Thus far, that's it for my warewolf experience.

I do have to say, however, that I am also obsessed with Edward. I also have to say, a bit sheepishly, that I just looked at the little widget thing on our front page - the wedding invitation thing - and I'm totally over my initial depression. if that's really the way this is all going to end, I can endure the current pain.

You gals are funny! I appreciate the support from all of you while my heart was breaking from all of this. If it wasn't for you, I would have died in the woods when Bella wanted to so badly!

Love you all!!!

LiteraChicks said...

Oh my spoiler...
Did we totally spoil it for you with Jacob or did you really look ahead and already know?

I am going to be seriously depressed if we ruined it for you.

Keep reading and let us know when your done so we can move onto ECLIPSE and then get in some REAL catfights!

FYI all you werewolf haters, This cat doesn't lose... you WILL be brought over to the dark side of recognizing werewolf awesomeness...

Abi said...

I really did read ahead and see it. By the time I begged for help, I was already under the impression that this was going to get more into the warewolves vs. vampire thing anyway, so nothing has been ruined yet. Promise :)

Abi said...

Oh yeah... I DON'T know yet HOW it happens, or if he's just been faking the whole superstition thing. I have my suspicions, but so far that's all they are.

Abi said...

I'm almost done. Saturday morning at the latest! I wish my job offered time off for reading!

Sara Walker said...

Whoa! I leave for a few day's work in Portland, and get on today to find Vanessa and I are totally fighting? That just breaks my little Edward lovin' heart!! Let me revise: I see the need for werewolves, I realize there would be no Bella (or Edward for that matter) without Jacob's selflessness, but really, he's just pathetic! He's like that boy you despise that just keeps trying to date you even though you know he will never have a chance. I feel for him, really I do, but Bella, just let him go already! She is borderline cruel to him. My point was that if you had to choose one or the other and not 'both are good in their own ways'which would it be? EDWARD! Sure, I think we all know, both rock in their own rights, but in the end, you will see, Edward will keep rockin' in the free world and if (by some terrible error on Myer's part) Bella ends up with Jacob, (gasp!) I will forever believe my time spent obsessing over these silly books will have been wasted.
-What can I say, I'm a pot stirer. Ya know I love ya Vanessa... Sara

Abi said...

I'm done! Wow - I'm glad I kept reading. I'm so excited to keep going to the next one!

Anonymous said...

I love the werewolves!!! Of course, Edward is my Steven, but still there is always that total opposite of what you wish for that your choosen spouse doesn't have and you wish they did... but than when it comes down to it, you'll always choose your spouse a-g-a-i-n because their initial greatness always outweighs the "I wish..." of what they don't posses. Without the Jacobs, you never realize how much we all love and can't live without our Edwards!!!

The McPherson Clan--- said...

Well put we all know that Edward is WAY hotter than Jacob (that was sarcasm in case you missed it).