Monday, May 19, 2008


Have you ever read a book that when you finished it you thought it had to be the most overrated book in history? I have quite a list, but the most recent one is this puppy...

Seriously ladies, leave this 'award winner' on the shelf. Margaret Atwood has written some really great stuff, so I had high hopes. Was it awful? No. Was is completely overrated? Yes.
I'd like to say I totally got it. That it completely made sense to have 2 storylines from two different periods of time AND a science fiction novel going on in a book about the relationship between two daughters of a rich Canadian industrialist, but it didn't. Atwood left you clues throughout the whole book as to what was happening, but still, by the end there were so many holes that needed patching the entire last chapter was solely a 'wrap-up' of explanations that still didn't even seem to leave you satisfied.

Some of my other "overrated" reads are as follows:

The Great Gatsby

What is this book? Really, what is it? I pretty much just remember a lot of rich people with no accountability whining about their lot in life and who loves who and who doesn't. I know there are some of our members who love it. Please, I beg you, tell me why.

The Scarlet Letter
The only thing this book taught me was not to sleep with your clergymen, especially in 1700's and especially when your already a married woman. Although, this is some pretty sound advice...

The Awakening
This is supposedly a story about feminism and women's rights. I really just read a story about a very spoiled, rich housewife with no moral compass.

Anything that's starts with "Chicken Soup" or "Seven Habits"
I don't think this one needs explaining.

This list could go on and on.

So, here it is ladies, the official post of the most overrated book you've read. What is it? Don't be shy, throw your hat in, let us know how you feel about that book that's made you think, "I just don't get it."

Oh yeah... and, if any of you (cough **DeEtte** cough) say Wuthering Heights, we are officially in the biggest Literachicks fight ever....


Sara Walker said...

Atonement was like that for me. Total waste of paper. Why did it get so much press and a feature film about it??? I don't understand.

Vanessa, thank you thank you. I have tried to read the "classic" The Great Gatsby at least 4 times, and can't stand it!!! I have no tolerance for whining, especially if you HAVE everything!! Waa. Yes, if you like this book PLEASE defend it and help me understand the point.

LOL about the "Chicken Soup" and "Seven Habits" Brandon and I feel the same about these type books.

I actually haven't read Wuthering Heights since 11th grade (which I must admit, I didn't appreciate then) and Vanessa, you will be so proud of me!!! The beginning of May I bought a new copy of the book thinking I needed to give it another try as when I read before it was just to get an "A" in a class I didn't care about. -I actually don't think I really read it, I think I skimmed it enough to pass the test and moved on. So I must say I'm excited. It seems very "Pride and Predujice" like. But a little difficult to understand. (Why are there 2 main characters with the first name, and how are you able to keep them straight?) I'll let you know how it goes. -Have to finish The Host first...

Vanessa Contessa said...

I also felt that way about Atonement.

There was no atoning whatsoever. Just a person trying to make up for a really bad thing they did a really long time ago in a completely self-indulgent kind of way (which is pretty ironic considering that the said bad thing wouldn't have happened if that person wasn't so completely self-indulgent in the first place.) Wait! I think I just figured out what it was about. No, nevermind...

Abi said...

Lord of the Flies. I never even got it from the title. Who wants to rule flies? Yuk. Then, a bunch of stupid boys on an island ready to kill each other... blah, blah, blah... Yeah, I get that it's supposed to be representative, but G's. I cringe when someone merely mentions that stupid book. And no, I don't want to see the movie.

Anything by Ray Bradbury. I can't even remember what the one was called that we had to read in school - I just remember thinking that it was a waste of my time. Blech... no thanks.

I'm sure there are others.

Michele said...

Okay-- I love Gatsby. It is beautifully architectured-- one of the most perfectly structured books ever. The language is perfect. I fall over every sentence in that book, it is so sensuously written. I think I wrote a college paper about the color symbolism in Gatbsy(remember all the green?). I love the themes and motifs involving money, love, and the American dream-- and what can sour them. I love the unreliable narrator-- Nick Carraway-- but then a post-structural Fitzgerald behind it.

I'll stop now. I know it is not for everyone. We read it in my roommate book club, and about half liked it, and half thought it was too much whining. But seriously, how can you not fall for all those lines!!

I like Lord of the Flies, too. I agree with Chicken Soup, though-- as well as "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff." Why bother?

The McPherson Clan--- said...

Atonement was the absolute worse!! I wanted to sue the author to get those days of my life back.

Sorry, but Wuthering Heights is full of despicable characters that I absolutely hate.

Gosh, Moby Dick was a big time sucker.

Last of the Mohicans was completely ridiculous. I mean how many ways can you describe leaves in a forrest?

I love the Great Gatsby. I absolutely adore Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, I think the writing is practically poetic. It's so beautiful the way he describes everything.

Isn't it funny how differently people can feel about literature? It's actually kind of cool.

Meaghan said...

I really didn't like Wuthering Heights either. I finished it because I kept thinking it would get better and was very disappointed.

The Five People You Meet in Heaven has to be the worst ever. I had so many people tell me how great it was and I felt it was a huge waste of time!

Devyn said...

I LOVED Wuthering Heights! I also agree with Michele 100% on Gatsby. I thought the book was fantastic.

Anonymous said...


all I can say is that you crack me up! I love the way you speak freely about books and your opinions (even if I do not always agree).